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Viewing post by rpstitz on their home page
It would be awesome to have a social networking platform that runs on each member's computer and doesn't rely on a web hosting company that could shut it down. If only two members were using it, it would still work and if a million used it, it would work using the processing power and bandwidth of each member combined.

rpstitz: The first major problem that comes to mind is where does all of that data get stored so that it can be accessed later when needed? Hmmm I don't know, maybe some kind of raid system for the internet, each user is a hot-swappable hard drive and as one drops off, the data is rebuilt on others. There would have to be so much redundancy that it would probably not work. A very wasteful and inefficient system, perhaps. I don't know but someone has to figure it out because relying on one central core is begging big tech to take control.
on 02/06/21 07:00:00 am
rpstitz: The only way a core would work is if it had its own infrastructure and didn't rely on ANY other company to stay online and in service. Apparently true free speech is expensive af
on 02/06/21 07:03:39 am

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