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Viewing post by rpstitz on their home page
Biden explained the reason blacks are disproportionately damaged by voter id is that they don't know how to use the internet to find out how to get an id like white people do so it's unfair to require an id card. I find it hard to believe that nobody has a problem with the leader of the democrats thinking blacks aren't as smart as whites. Is winning so important that you'd put up with a racist leader to achieve the win? Also he said that poor kids are just as smart as white kids. Oh and most of the dem funded (the stimulus gave them more than it gave you) planned parenthood abortion clinics are in non-white neighborhoods, so they're disproportionately exterminating the offspring of non-whites while making them appreciate having the right to "choose". What the democrats are doing is sickening, twisted and despicable and everyone who votes for a Democrat is an accomplice.


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